This is how I ate a good portion of my dinner. It was a bit uncomfortable but on the bright side it did cut down on the amount of Christmas calories I consumed!
Proof that Lexie is a pill.
Lex and her 2nd cousin, Rachel. This is after they opened all their presents and proof that buying gifts for children is more for the parents than the kids since they'd rather jump on the bubble wrap the gift came in.
Christmas Morning
Our offical jammie pictures. Every year we give eachother new jammies on Christmas eve. Then Christmas morning we take a family pic. Yes, we are very cute.
This second jammie pic is the better one but Nate has a cute little smile in the first one!
Christmas Morning @ Nana's
Nana's getting married!
Spoiled Rotten. Rotten. Rotten. Daddy Warbucks, I mean Uncle Zacky bought his little niece Alexis a car. Pink of course. She was extatic. Owen was excited beyond words. And you'll notice Momo was chucked in the trunk. There was lots of laughing as the swerved down the street. We're trying to teach her to keep her eyes on the road. Maybe Nana can take her for her first drive. Right Mom! Ha Ha
Little Nateski. Too funny!
Dan and Jacque let us have Austin for a few hours one night so we had a little baby cousin photoshoot. It must have been a little too long because Austin got hungry and tried to eat Nate. We gave him a bottle instead. :0)
Dress Up Fun
Lexie loves dressing up. And she loves sharing her dress up clothes with Talli. And even with her stinky little brother.
Valentine's Day
For Valentine's Day, Dan and Shane took Jacque and I to see a play at a little theater in Talent, OR. It was really fun to go to the show and the acting was great but I wasn't a big fan of the play, Soctology. You can Google it if you want a synopsis.
Valentine's Day weekend, Nana came for a visit. She took me to Ashland for the day and we stayed in a hotel there. I got to do what ever I wanted, including; shopping, eating, drinking Diet Coke, consuming lots of chocolate and taking a lovely 3.5 hour nap. It was pure heaven. Here are a few pics from our mini-vakay.
Strange man we saw downtown earilier in the day turned up at our hotel. In case you can't tell, he's wearing a colorful tie-dye shirt tucked into his kilt and yes, those are knee high tube-like socks he's got on with his Tevas.
Our little fireplace. Nothing says cozy like a few glowing plastic logs. Check out the power cord to the right of the logs.
Nana and Owen after we returned home.